Go Ask Your Father April 3rd – Half Time Pep Talk

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Have you ever played a sport and gotten a half time pep talk? How did it go for you? Maybe we need a Lenten half time pep talk.<br>  <br> Caller Question – His son is going to a non denominational church. How bad is this? It could be worse right?<br> Caller Question – How are sins forgiven? What role does the shedding of blood play in the remission of sins?<br> Caller Question – If you go to confession, and die right after, do you skip purgatory altogether?<br> Caller Question – Why do we pray to Angels and Saints?<br> Caller Question – What is the difference between Catholic and Protestant Communion?<br> Caller Question – Is the Episcopal Eucharist the true presence?<br> Caller Comment – She raised her kids to marry another Catholic<br> Catechetical Corner – Apostolic Visits<br> Caller Question – Can you get married in the Catholic Church if one is not Catholic?<br>  <br>  <br>