Go Ask Your Father April 5th – Is America Becoming Godless?

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Is America becoming Godless? A recent survey shows people who have no religion in America is up over 200%. Msgr. tells you why there is a dramatic increase in this and why we need to talk about it.<br>  <br> Caller Question – What is the importance of confession if no one goes?<br> Caller Comment – The reason why people no longer have religion is because they have replaced it with science.<br> Caller Comment – Shares her story of being a witness of God to others.<br> Caller Comment – The polls are misleading, its just propaganda to scare us that religion is dying.<br> Caller Comment – She feels the Church marginalizes women.<br> Catechetical Corner – Prayers as Communion<br> Caller Comment – She feels that the Church in no way marginalizes women, but rather supports them in their vocations.<br> Caller Comment – Her 12 year old daughter is thinking about going into religious life.<br>