Go Ask Your Father April 9th – Are You A Patient Person?

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Do you have patience with the Lord? Are you willing to wait for Him to work in your life? The Lord will work in your life, but He will work on His time, not ours. Msgr. explains the importance of being patient during these last weeks of Lent.<br>  <br> Caller Question – Luke 19: 27-28, Jesus says to kill others. Why?<br> Caller Question – Her priest said that Gay marriage is okay, what should she do?<br> Caller Question – Can a deacon marry people in the Church?<br> Caller Question – From Luke 19: 27-28, was Jesus maybe referring to the end times?<br> Caller Question – Can he attend a gay wedding and if so, can he be a groomsmen?<br> Caller Question – She heard the Joseph was a widower and had prior children before Mary, is this true?<br> Caller Question – Her son went to a wedding at their Catholic Church, after the Mass, the wedding party went to a Free Mason Temple for a blessing. Is this an issue?<br> Catechetical Corner – Who can receive the sacrament of Holy Orders?<br> Caller Question – Her son is getting married but not inviting his brother because he got divorced and did not get an annulment. Does Msgr have any advice?<br> Caller Question – What happens immediately after death?<br>