Go Ask Your Father April 11th – Who Should Get Our Attention First?

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Who should get our attention first? Who should we go to first when speaking the good news of Jesus? Msgr. has a suggestion for who you should start with.<br>  <br> Caller Question – Where do we get the idea that Jesus was raised after 3 days?<br> Caller Question – He was told that not bowing his head during prayer is a sin. Is that true?<br> Caller Comment/Question – At the end of Mass, the priest says “The Mass is ended, thanks be to God” He hears it as, thank god Mass is over…. Does Msgr have any advice on how to not hear it in that manner?<br> Email Question – What is interfaith dialog and what is the best way to go about using it?<br> Catechetical Corner – Euthanasia and the protection of life.<br> Caller Question – What is the “Beginning”<br>