Go Ask Your Father April 15th – Do You Believe Jesus Is Worth It?

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Do you believe Jesus is worth it? All of the prayer and penance you did during Lent, is Jesus worth that? Our hope is that you say yes. Msgr. has some insight on why Jesus is, in fact, worth all of it.<br>  <br> Caller Question – What is the Churches teaching on divorce?<br> Caller Question – What would be a good first bible for a friend who is converting to the faith?<br> Caller Question -She is married civilly, wants her marriage blessed, but her husband doesn’t. What can she do?<br> Caller Question – Wants to know if the version of the bible she reads is okay to use.<br> Catechetical Corner – Can God exist through human reason alone?<br> Caller Question – He is divorced and away from the Church, how can he come back to the faith?<br>