EP 418 – Time Is Running Out

This Week in Mormons show

Summary: <br> <br> [dropcap]G[/dropcap]eneral Conference is an exciting weekend, and this past weekend was (thankfully?) a bit more back to basics and in line with a "typical" conference in that we weren't bombarded with major announcements or organization shuffles (<a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2019/04/first-presidency-reverses-policy-that-prohibited-children-of-same-sex-couples-from-being-baptized/">although one major policy announcement dropped before conference</a>).<br> <br> We also managed to hear about <a href="http://thisweekinmormons.com/2019/04/president-russell-m-nelson-announces-new-temples-major-renovations-early-utah-temples/">eight new temples</a> and the renovation of Utah's oldest temples.<br> <br> So join TWiM founder, Geoff Openshaw, Kurt Francom of Leading Saints, and your beloved TWiM Sisters, Tiffany Hales and Arianne Smith, as they break down the sessions of General Conference and talk about their favorite speakers.<br> <br> What were your favorite parts of General Conference? Favorite talks? Favorite musical numbers? What lessons did you learn? We love doing these shows every six months. They feel like a reset.<br> <br> If you are yearning to see our beautiful faces, you can watch a video stream of this episode below.<br> Transcript<br> Geoff:<br> [0:38] We're here oh my goodness I'm basking in the glow of going to a conference this is this weekend ones everyone would live streaming this now so if you are saying this on Facebook,<br> holler at us and let us know I should probably doing that myself so I can see the questions that my,<br> come our way I have openshaw as you all know and we are all very excited to talk about our feelings and insights into General, didn't want to wait until Monday or Tuesday to get it to we thought we get it to you,<br> right now so joining me this week the wonderful twin sisters are also with this everybody say hi.<br> <br> Sisters:<br> [1:13] We survived conference with small children and teenagers.<br> <br> Geoff:<br> [1:22] I almost didn't my wife reminded the same happened last conference went Buttoneer the very end and my kid going crazy,<br> I was just there was no spirit I have to re-watch entire thing so I'm hoping that all you can actually just help me learn what happened because I don't have a clue.<br> <br> Sisters:<br> [1:38] My last session is always a rest there's either asleep or fighting or I'm bored I'm bored.<br> Arianne needs to post on Facebook in the Instagram site is really cool tri-fold that she made for her kids as a conference activity this time it is so beyond adorable where they can like,<br> put speakers in chairs and at the podium and topic it very cool that has the maroon chairs I upped my conference game it did not keep my children<br> from fighting but my four-year-old was highly entertaining for the first half of comfort.<br> <br> Geoff:<br> [2:16] Okay but we'll get all those Hot Tips as we talk I don't want to delay and introducing a course of other playlist you know him you love him leading Saints very own Kurt whatever Ronald frankum what's your name.<br> <br> Kurt:<br> [2:30] It is Harold so if you call me K Harold Frank am I to really appreciate that it is too named after Harold Frank of my great-grandfather.<br> <br> Geoff:<br> [2:35] Your name is not Harold that sounds he wasn't real that's not me.<br> <br> Kurt:<br> [2:42] The reason I exist.<br> <br> Geoff:<br> [2:46] Your middle name is like whether you're something like.<br> <br> Kurt:<br> [2:48] No no Harold it's much stronger.<br> <br> Geoff:<br> [2:51] K Harold Frank now we tease you a lot this weekend we thought you could call the podium man.<br> <br> Kurt:<br> [2:56] Oh yeah I was I was sitting by my phone all all week but it never rang imagine that.<br> <br> Geoff:<br>