Brexit in Britain and Trends in Sapin

Europe Calling show

Summary: Did a group of high-ranking police officials working for the Spanish Interior Ministry carry out special jobs to damage the reputation of political rivals of the Popular Party during the administration of former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy? ONE-SIXTH of Spanish citizens were born to either a foreign mother or father, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics ......The INE’s Continuous Household Survey showed around 16.9 per cent of Spanish citizens had at least one parent born outside of Spain, or more than 7.8 million people. The amount has risen from almost 7.3 million in 2013......around 15.7 per cent. ......THERE are almost 241,000 British citizens living in Spain, down from a peak of almost 400,000 in 2011 according to new figures of British nationals living in Spain.......... The number of property purchases in Alicante Province fell by 4.7 per cent in January this year from the month before, with a total of 3,685 transactions registered............Whatever the reason or reasons, statistics show that the number of property purchases registered with the Property Registry office fell in January in almost every part of the country. In the UK Critics today warn the government's new plan to clean up the internet could be the st draconian crackdown on online free speech in the Western democratic world, The broadcasting watchdog has received 2,644 complaints about Jon Snow's comment, which referred to pro-Brexit protesters who brought Westminster to a standstill 'It's been the most extraordinary day,' he said. 'A day which has seen ... I have never seen so many white people in one place, A British tourist has been arrested after allegedly cutting tiles from a mosaic in Pompeii and trying to take them as a souvenir. The 20-year-old woman -climbed over a rail around the mosaic, according to police. A 68-year-old who was jailed for abusing his granddaughter has been told he must complete his 12-year sentence despite the teenager saying she made it up. The grandfather's conviction will not be quashed despite the 17-year-old girl saying she lied while offering evidence as the main witness at his trial.