Staggering Stories Commentary #227: Doctor Who – Dimensions in Time

Staggering Stories Podcast – Staggering Stories Podcast show

Summary: Summary:<br> Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, baffled, in front of 1993’s Doctor Who 30th anniversary story ‘Dimensions in Time’, and spout our usual nonsense!<br> The Doctor is randomly swapping bodies, companions are coming and going and the Rani wants to visit the set of EastEnders. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to ‘enjoy’ Dimensions in Time…<br> Vital Links:<br> <br> * <a href="">YouTube: Dr Who-Dimensions in Time COMPLETE</a>.<br> * <a href="">Staggering Stories</a>.<br> * <a href="">BBC: Doctor Who</a>.<br> * <a href="">Wikipedia: Dimensions in Time</a>.<br> * <a href="">BBC: Doctor Who – Dimensions in Time</a>.<br> * <a href="">Doctor Who Podcast Alliance</a>.<br> * <a href="">Facebook: Staggering Stories Group</a>.<br> <br>