Great Gildersleeve – Birthday Party Conflicts. 490406.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The new neighbor from a few weeks ago, and the mom of Leroy's latest love interest, Brenda, spend an evening dancing with Gildersleeve. Gildy sings a few bars, to the lovely Mrs Knickerbocker. The couple walk home in the evening Spring air, and Gildy drops hints at a goodbye kiss from Ellen. . She's not one to kiss on first dates, and his attempts at stealing one are thwarted. <br> Back home, Marjorie and Leroy try to extract the juicy, romantic details of the previous evening. Marjorie announces that the baby, Romerie will be visiting with her real dad. The baby, of course is the one that was abandoned with Gildersleeve in the first half of the season. She will soon be a year old, and Gildy offers the use of his house to host her party. <br> At Peavey's, Gildy invites him, and learns about a conflict of dates. Peavey's pet parrot is having a birthday as well. Next, the judge is invited, and even Ellen, but both have conflicting dates. In fact, Ellen ends up inviting Gildy to a swanky party that her brother Bullard is putting on. It also happens to be the same time as his party. Now what will he do? <br> Gildersleeve spends a sleepless night agonizing over it. Which party should he go to? The baby's, or Ellens? How can he tell the family about his bailing out on the baby's party? Leroy even turned down a date with Brenda to be at the party. Birdie appeals to him in her unique style to attend. Ellen will understand, won't she? <br> The moment of the parties arrive, and indecision reigns. Who will win out? The cute and cuddly baby, or the equally cute and cuddly Ellen? Here's a hint, it's better to party with the family you have, than the one you don't. Gildy decides to make waves with Ellen, but when he rocks her boat will she be forgiving over his decision, and understand? <br>