Lone Ranger – Gold Prospectors Homestead. 400410

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: For years, the main focus of immigrants to the West was gold. Nobody foresaw the value of the rich soil and farming it, except for the Lone Ranger. He shares his vision with Tonto. Will those gold prospectors see the light as well, and turn to homesteading? <br> Eventually miners do become disgusted with mining and decide to leave. All but one miner and his family. As the Lone Ranger observes the happenings, he learns that things aren't exactly as he foresaw them. He has to step in to settle rumors, and encourage the new homesteaders that they will be able to make a go of it. Will they listen to him? Will there be challengers to the plan? <br> Certain nefarius characters show their colors, and the Lone Ranger feels obligated to take them out of the picture to keep the honest homesteaders working the land, mining for the treasure and security that working the land will bring.<br>