Jack Benny – Violin Practice Interrupts Ronald Coleman. 460414

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don starts out by having us drop in at Jack's house, where Professor LaBlanc gives Jack a violin lesson. With the lesson over, there's only the matter of paying his teacher. Along the way Jack is side tracked when the cast all enter the front door. What's up with Professor LaBlanc's pants? Or maybe down with them would be the better question. <br> The cast all get ready for some fun in the sun, lunch, and lounging beside Jack's pool. Has he forgotten about the longsuffering Professor Lablanc? Dennis sings, Just You Wait and See. <br> The gang all decide to go to the beach, but there's still the matter of paying for those violin lessons. After some foot dragging, and a chat with Rochester about the condition of the kitchen supplies, Jack has once again become distracted. Rochester heads next oor to borrow some butter, and we eavesdrop on Ronald and Bonita Coleman. Ronald gripes at Jack's habit of borrowing odd things from him. As Ronald practices a few dramatic lines, the noise of Jack practicing wafts through the air, causing Ronald to wonder if the cat needs to be let out? Or does it want in? <br> The racket is enough to drive Ronald nuts, but ironically, Jack phones to complain to the Colemans about the noise from their aledged marital problems, disturbing his violin practice. The running gags don't stop as the matter of paying Mel Blanc arises again. The neighbors do a little dirt digging, and hand it over to gossip columnist Louella Parsons. <br> Note: Phil comments that his jokes ought to win him a Summer show. He would do some guest shows for the Fitch Bandwagon over the Summer that would eventually lead<br><br> to a regular series for him. Rochester teases Mel Blanc about having to wait for being paid since noon. He claims to be waiting since 1937, the year he joined the show. <br>