Abbott and Costello – The Sheriff Of North Hollywood. 460425.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bad boy, Lou Costello, enters with a gun and bragging about wanting to be an old West sheriff. Jokes begin about horses, cowboys, and being an indian fighter. Bud tries to talk sense to his friend, and paint him a realistic word picture of what life as a sheriff entails. If only he can finish his story with all of Lou's comic interuptions. <br> Carl Hoff plays, Who's Sorry Now. <br> Back in the old West of Abbott and Costello, two weeks have gone by, and Lou hasn't done anything to preserve the peace. The friends sit in the sheriff's office, and friends arrive to congradulate Lou on his becoming the sheriff. Namely Bessey May Mucho who complains of a peeping Tom. More characters parade through including: a phone call for a detective job, Scotty the Scotsman has a special job for the sheriff, and Ken Niles who wants to die with his boots on. Mrs Niles is frantic, and needs help at her ranch, but all she gets is insults from Lou. <br> Amy Arnelle sings, I'm a Big Girl Now. <br> Meanwhile, Bud and Lou ride out to the Niles ranch, but first need to stop for directions from a gold prospector. With a little confusion on the sound man's part, the guys make it to the ranch, and Lou talks with Mellonhead about catching the rustlers. Now it's off to catch the notorius Cactus Pete, and it's off to the saloon. Only slightly distracted by the lovely saloon girl, Rosita, Lou faces off with Cactus Pete, but who gets the last laugh? <br>