Gunsmoke – Skid Row. ep154,, 550409

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Matt is looking for Miss Kitty, and is just in time to rescue her from a man who can’t seem to take no for an answer. When Hank leaves, the two check out Chester with his new girlfriend. Actually she is Ann, and looking for her old boyfriend, Jack Shawmer. Ann is new in town, so Kitty takes her in to find a place to stay, while Matt worries how to break the news that the guy she’s looking for is a bum. <br> Matt and Chester take Doc to visit Shawmer, to try to fix him up. Once he’s sobered up, he can’t face up to the gal that came to look for him. He tells of his failure, and why he got into his condition. Will he be able to pick himself up and overcome his past to reunite with Ann? <br> Ann is perfectly willing to wait, and to stall, Matt spreads a few lies about her bum of a boyfriend. Matt has to chase Hank off of her when he tries to pick her up on the street. Later while patrolling the street, Matt finds Ann, who has been hurt. He takes her to see doc. What happened to her? Is it serious? <br> Doc examines the unconscious Ann, but there seems to be no injuries, or signs of abuse, just that she remains unconscious. Meanwhile, Jack comes to Matt to fess up that he can’t face Ann, and will run away to avoid her. Doc tells that Ann just woke up and told how she was hurt. Hank had hit her hard, and it gave her a concussion. <br> The news is just the thing to put some grit into Jack. He takes a gun and sets out for Hank. Matt interupts the violence, and Jack goes to talk with Ann. <br> The trouble is that some stories don’t have happy, or clear cut endings. The all round tragedy seems to have no good endings for any of the players. <br>