Molle Mystery Theater – Doctor & The Lunatic. 460426

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A modern tale of suspense. A crime that could only be formulated by a deranged mind is at hand. The matter rests at the foot of one of the top psychiatric doctors in the nation. Can the doc race to the scene of the crime in time to put an end to the mentally disturbed killer? He feels the murderer is in the room, and warns that each of the persons in the room could potentially be unstable enough to be the mad man. <br> Interviews by the doctor with the participants in the story begin to reveal dark secrets. Why does the medical man feel just as guilty about the murder as the one who might have committed the crime? Is there really a lunatic involved, or might this be a calculated set up? Regardless, another body is found as the participants remain locked inside the mansion estate. <br> The murder reveals one final dark secret, and in a final short scene we learn the shocking truth behind the doctor and the lunatic. <br>