350- The Roman Mars Mazda Virus

99% Invisible show

Summary: Gimlet’s Reply All orchestrated a grand podcast crossover event to try to solve a years old bug plaguing 99% Invisible listeners that drive certain models of Mazda. You can find all the fake podcast episodes and feeds on the <a href="https://www.gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/brh8jm/140-the-roman-mars-mazda-virus" target="_blank">Reply All</a> website. Reply All is a fantastic show! If you don’t know it, you'll love it. Start listening now. Find the link to the Mazda-safe podcast feed here: <a href="https://99percentinvisible.org/?p=28639&amp;post_type=episode" target="_blank">The Roman Mars Mazda Virus</a>