Episode 26 - John's Day Off

Geocentric show

Summary: Episode 26 - John's Day Off 12/18/2008. Christmas is upon us and John will not be on the show because he is now the father of a baby girl named Kiley! We'll have to have her on the show sometime! Everyone be sure to send your congrats to John at geocentric@inbox.com and maybe we'll read a couple on the next show! Nate won't have to host the Geocentric podcast completely alone. One lucky fan of the show has been given the opportunity to join Nate for some very interesting commentary... Welcome Carol! This week, we have some fresh topics! The word "podcast", "podcaster" and "podcasting" are now official words in the Oxford English Dictionary. That means all of us podcasters (real word) are now legit! It's a great day for podcast civil rights! The first face transplant has been performed in the U.S. Check out the new site, GotSaga.com and tell the world your saga. We'll show you one entitled, "When insults had class." A teacher sells ads on his calculus tests? Before you hate, get the WHOLE story right here on the Geocentric podcast! This week's extras in the podcast: The Mockery of the Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Weekly FAIL! Name that Tune by Carol Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.