A walk with Tracy Hill – aka Movement Warrior

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: <p style="text-align: center;"><em>This episode is educational and informative and provides in depth details about childbirth. Be mindful who is listening around you if you are concerned about little ears!</em></p> <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/movementwarrior/">Tracy Hill</a>, aka Movement Warrior has lots of share so listen up! My best friend and I took her class last spring and I learned SO much from her. What she shares helped improve my running and my core overall after I had my second child. </p> <p>Tracy talks about things women think are <strong>common, but they are not normal.</strong> Like peeing your pants when you run or jump (guilty) or painful sex after childbirth. She’s honest and gives us some hope that it’s never too late, regardless of how old your kiddos are that we can do things to impact our wellness. Her desire is to help people be well, and you can hear this come alive as she shares her own personal journey of recovery after a traumatic birth of her first child. </p> <p>She speaks about the importance of finding your people, and what its like to be ok with not being ok. Her honesty and helpfulness to the people around her makes this episode inspiring as well as educational. </p> <p>Tracy’s mom hack is #mealplanninggoals – you have to listen to how she plans her entire month of meals! It’s amazing and something I can’t wait to try. </p> <p>Follow her on <a href="https://www.instagram.com/movement.warrior/">Instagram </a>or <a href="https://www.facebook.com/movementwarrior/">Facebook </a>for lots of continue wellness and health tips. She goes live and posts videos that are super helpful. Tracy shares a few offers on the podcast as well, <a href="https://tracy-hill.mykajabi.com/offers/CzXVQFto/checkout">here’s some more details. </a></p> <p>If you are in our 3MileMom Challenge Community group, you will see that she’s shared a few videos for you and they are really helpful, including modified planks. </p>