Ep 10: Why this show? Three questions you MUST answer when selecting a show

Flipping the Script show

Summary: It’s show selection season and I could not be more excited! It’s a daunting task and show selection comes down to so much more than just finding show with a big name or large cast. On this episode I break down the three most important questions you must be able to answer when selecting a show if you want to create anything with lasting impact. Plus, I’ll also be talking about directing shows from a place of nostalgia and why we gotta stop that… like now. Join us for this months masterclass: Understanding Race, Ethnicity and Show Selection. On April 20 at 1pm CST Cessa Betancourt will be going over how to select a show based on your student population and how to avoid getting stuck with a show that will cause you issues in the long run. You can find out more at https://www.retheatreco.com/educators-products/april-masterclass If you have questions or ideas for future episodes reach out to Lindsay anytime at lindsay@retheatreco.com. You can find out more about RE:THEATRE and Lindsay’s work at www.retheatreco.com, by following RE:THEATRE on Facebook or by following Lindsay on instagram @Lindsay_Kujawabarr.