235: There is no I in Team Sales, with Peter Urmson

Conquer Local with George Leith show

Summary: The Solo Salesperson is a thing of the past. The new and proven approach is Team Sales. Conquer Local heads to Amsterdam! We get to pick the brain of Peter Urmson, CEO of Spotzer. We discuss the sophistication of customers knowledge and how it's evolving. The Sales Teams need to be on the cutting edge to keep up with the trends and the changes coming from the big guys like Google, Facebook, and Bing. In turn, this makes the Sales Team a trusted advisor. Peter tells us how the message and information that the salesperson shares with the customer needs to be simple and not oversell or over promise. Spotzer has gone through massive growth with Peter at the helm. Focused on websites, e-commerce, SEM and SEO in 23 countries and 18 languages. Producing several thousand sites and ad campaigns a month means Spotzer needs to be incredibly well organized as a high performing team. Peter advocates that the key to Spotzer's success is having great teams of people who are all trying to make a positive impact of the lives of their customers. It's what gives us a laser focus on quality of service and great products. Subscribe to the podcast now, on iTunes goo.gl/8vPm1B and Google Play goo.gl/uyDsij