Dinosaurs Under The Sun! With the Natural History Museum. Plus Why does Easter move around when Christmas is always the same day each year?

Everything Under The Sun show

Summary: ROOOOOAAAAAARR! It’s a dinosaur special this week, with help from dinosaur experts at the Natural History Museum in London and Tring.  This week we answer questions from Darcy, Jake and Marcus who would like to know about dinosaurs. Then we have a special EASTER question from Aoife, because it’s now Easter weekend!  First up Darcy’s question is “what was the first dinosaur and were there any in England?” Find out all about the first known dinosaurs that lived on Earth 243 MILLION years ago! As well as all the dinosaurs that roamed around England, which was once full of dinosaurs!  Learn about a new exhibition on at the Natural History Museum in Tring, which was once the home of an eccentric man named Sir Walter Rothschild who I like the sound of – he had over a hundred giant tortoises in his garden, started a museum when he was 10 and rode in a carriage pulled by zebras!  Listen in to find out how to win a brilliant DINOSAUR PRIZE from the Natural History Museum’s in Tring, including a dinosaur bag, a key ring, a mug, and cuddly triceratops!  Next up Jake would like to know, “what’s the biggest dinosaur in the world?” Find out where in the world all the epic dinosaurs came from, and hear about the Titanosaur at the American Museum of Natural History, which I wrote about in my book, Wonders of the World’s Museums. Thirdly, Marcus’ question, “Why are there no more dinosaurs in the World?” Hear what happened to the dinosaurs, and where you can see them in the world today! The clue is in the sky above you!   Lastly, we have a special bonus EASTER question! It comes from Aoife, who lives in California, it is, “why is Christmas on the same day every year but EASTER on a different day?”Find out about the epic cycle of Easter that lasts 5.7 million years! About a special Easter moon created by the church and how to answer anyone who asks you with a short version of the answer.  I hope you all have a lovely Easter and the Easter Bunny brings you lots of chocolate eggs!  If you have a question you would like answered on the show all you have to do is ask an adult to record you asking it and ask them to send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk A huge thank you to Dr. David Button and Professor Paul Barrett at the Natural History Museum in London for sharing their knowledge about dinosaurs with us and to Darcy, Jake, Marcus and Aoife for this week’s questions!   For more info about British dinosaurs show at Tring - http://www.nhm.ac.uk/press-office/press-releases/british-dinosaurs--from-fossils-to-feathers-at-tring-.html Walter Rothschild - http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/walter-rothschild-a-curious-life.html How birds are living dinosaurs - http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/why-are-birds-the-only-surviving-dinosaurs.html Wonders of the World’s Museums: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wonders-Worlds-Museums-Discover-exhibits/dp/1526360284 https://www.waterstones.com/book/wonders-of-the-worlds-museums/molly-oldfield/harriet-taylor-seed/9781526360281 The shows website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk My website: mollyoldfield.com Instagram: @mollyoldfieldwrites Twitter: @mollyoldfield Facebook: Molly Oldfield Writer I’ll be back next week answering more questions from children around the world in another episode of EUTS.  If you’d like to send in a question or enter the competition there’s info about how to do that at www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk. You’ll just need to record your child’s impression or question on a voice recording app on a smartphone and email it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk If you want to vote for the show in the BPA go to britishpodcastawards.com/vote and type in Everything Under The Sun and it'll come up and you can vote! If you like the show people do rate, review and subscribe and tell all your friends to do the same, it really does help!  Thank you ...