RHV 14: Veterans Health

The Rural Health Voice show

Summary:   Virginia has 725,000 Veterans across the state, many of which live in our rural communities. Who speaks for them? RHV talked with Carlos Hopkins, Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs (https://www.vada.virginia.gov/). Contact the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (https://www.dvs.virginia.gov/) if you want to help a Veteran in your community. If you want to be part of the conversation about rural health, and you are a student in a health professions or policy program, consider joining the VRHA Board of Directors.  VRHA will accept applications for student representatives to the board between now and May 5th.  Download the application form here (https://vrha.org//wp-content/uploads/2019/02/VRHA-Student-Application-2019.docx).