English Sound Pronunciation: The British Spring Ep 212

Learn English Through Listening show

Summary: In this English lesson we will focus on the English word sound pronunciation part of speaking English fluently.<br> The full article can be found <a href="https://adeptenglish.com/2019/04/01/sound-pronunciation">here</a>: https://adeptenglish.com/2019/04/01/sound-pronunciation<br> This <a href="https://adeptenglish.com/english-speaking-practice/">Articles Group</a>: https://adeptenglish.com/english-speaking-practice/<br> <a href="https://adeptenglish.com/2019/03/11/ielts-speaking-topics-with-answers/">Last Article</a> In Group: https://adeptenglish.com/2019/03/11/ielts-speaking-topics-with-answers/<br> <br> <br> Summary: English Sound Pronunciation<br> Speaking English is a combination of being able to listen to a conversation, understand it, be able to recall the words quickly enough to say what you want to say fluently AND To pronounce those words so they are clear and understandable to others.<br> So, I was thinking what topic would help us learn to practice English word sounds as I was walk down the tree-lined streets, where I live. You can’t help but notice British spring time is upon us. With birds making lots of noise and trees and flowers trying their hardest to blossom, everything feels new and possible.<br> Which means today we will talk about spring, art and the artist David Hockney and talk about some interesting things to see (even if you can only see them on YouTube). As per usual we will make it interesting so you can listen to the audio many times.<br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> If you need to understand more about our teaching technique, then listen to <a href="https://adeptenglish.com/2018/05/14/speaking-english-podcast/">this</a> podcast https://adeptenglish.com/2018/05/14/speaking-english-podcast/ which explains how to get the best out of our podcasts. Or sign up for our FREE 7 rules of Adept English video course <a href="http://7rules.adeptenglish.com/">here</a> http://7rules.adeptenglish.com/<br> We provide over 200 FREE English language conversation and video lessons to help you learn the English language. If you do not like this one then you can visit <a href="https://adeptenglish.com/about-us/podcasts/">this</a> page https://adeptenglish.com/about-us/podcasts/ to choose from 100's of English lessons with lots of different topics . So why not learn English the easy and FREE way?<br> If you LOVE all our FREE English lessons and what to help us keep doing so much for free then please consider becoming a patron:<br> ❁ <a href="https://www.patreon.com/adeptenglish">Patreon</a>: https://www.patreon.com/adeptenglish<br> We try to make ourselves as accessible to everyone who wants to learn to speak English fluently. You can find us on these popular social media sites:<br> ✭ <a href="https://www.facebook.com/adeptenglish/">Facebook</a>: https://www.facebook.com/adeptenglish/<br> ✭ <a href="https://twitter.com/AdeptEnglish">Twitter</a>: https://twitter.com/AdeptEnglish<br> ✭ <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKcZoWbqWzXSYzxQL9utJ1g">YouTube</a>: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKcZoWbqWzXSYzxQL9utJ1g<br> We are also on these popular streaming services:<br> ✪ <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/7ixeOS7ezPTZSaISIx2TTw">Spotify</a>: https://open.spotify.com/show/7ixeOS7ezPTZSaISIx2TTw<br> ✪ <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/learn-english-through-listening/id1134891957">iTunes</a>: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/learn-english-through-listening/id1134891957<br> ✪ <a href="https://tunein.com/podcasts/Educational/Learn-English-Through-Listening-p888646/">Tunein</a>: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Educational/Learn-English-Through-Listening-p888646/<br> ✪ <a href="https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/adept-english-podcast-series/learn-english-through-listening-podcast-series">Stitcher</a>: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/adept-english-podcast-series/learn-english-through-listening-podcast-series<br>