Bury the Man and Continue the Plan

Touchdowns and Tangents show

Summary: On a somber start to the podcast, Kenny, Pete and intern Cervon speak on the murder of Los Angeles legend Nipsey Hussle, his legacy, impact and the outcome of everything surrounding the coward who killed him and hood culture. Kenny goes on to elaborate the culture of "not snitching" and what the definition of snitching means in the streets. Friend of the show, Oakland native, CSUN alum and journalist Sean Thomas calls in to talk some baseball, the state of Athletics baseball, stadium issues, violence amongst baseball fan bases, Wrestlemania and why Nation's is the best burger chain and restaurant in California. The Aaron Rodgers bleacher report article is discussed and some Touchdown or Turnovers are played. RIP to Nipsey Hussle aka the Great aka Neighborhood Nip, father, brother, son and heart of Los Angeles.