309 God, Redeem This

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Are you listening today with a frustrating situation in your life that seems hopeless? Are you listening today from a broken place that doesn’t make sense? I believe God wants to redeem this for you. He wants to make it right. He wants to heal and restore. He wants to bring your brokenness to a place of wholeness. Would you trust him to do that today? Would you trust him to be the redeemer he promised he would be, personally in your life?<br> I often share the story of Abraham and Sarah, the couple in their 90’s unable to have children and then God shows up and says “ahhh, no … that’s not the way your story will end. I will give you a child and many nations will come from you.” But do you know the rest of the story? What happened after Abraham and Sarah have their promised child? Life was now good, they have what they want. Their son Issac is growing up and he’s a good boy. He’s everything they ever imagined.<br> Maybe that’s where you are in your life right now. Your reality today is what you once prayed for. God has been faithful. He has provided. He has made a way when there seemed to be no way. Look around you today and I bet you’ll find answered prayers surrounding you. You live in the house you once prayed for, or you get to go to the job you prayed for. Maybe you woke up next to the man you prayed for and fed the children you prayed for. Ya’ll I even have the dog I prayed for!<br> Now, what if God asked you to give it all up? What if the very thing he gave you was required as a sacrifice?<br> I’ll be honest, I don’t even want to touch that topic with a 10 foot pole.<br> Understand, that’s exactly what God asked of Abraham and Sarah. This child for whom they had prayed, this miracle which God had given them, their hope and their future was now at risk.<br> Genesis chapter 22 in my bible is titled “Abraham Tested”. I wonder if the current chapter in your life could be titled something similar. You’re being tested.<br> Verses 1-2 says “Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”<br> “Here I am,” he replied.<br> Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”<br> Yes, the son which Abraham had waited 100 years for, his pride and joy, his hope for the future is now being requested to be sacrificed by God. How do you even come to terms with that. What God? You want me to give up the single most precious thing you have given to me?<br> Now imagine being the mama in this story for a moment. Imagine looking out the kitchen window and seeing your husband gathering wood. Wood for a fire. A fire that would burn an offering to God. A sacrifice. She must have known. She must have wanted with every ounce of her to run after her husband and son as they carried the wood to a mountain to build the fire.<br> What a mother Sarah was. What an example for us today. She was willing to sacrifice the best she had for the greater good in full trust that God would redeem it. What if she would have held on too tightly? What if she would have done what every single one of us would want to do – go slap your husband, call him crazy, and grab your child. Then become bitter at God for even asking.<br> But she didn’t. She watched as they walked away carrying the wood. She trusted God would follow through with his promise to not only give them a son but build nations from them. And if he took it away, he would redeem it.<br> I wonder if we hold so tightly to that which God has given us that we restrict life from fully flowing through us. I wonder if our grip is so tight on our blessings that life can’t full flow through them either. I wonder if we treasure the gift so much that the gift itself becomes more precious than the giver.