312 Hungry Yet?

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Have you ever been truly hungry? I don’t mean “lunch was an hour late hungry”, I mean like day 8 of a 10 day juice cleanse hungry. Hunger elevates your sense of smell enabling you to smell what’s cooking at the neighbor’s house 3 doors down. If you’re not hungry, you never even smell it. Hunger will rule your thoughts and drive your actions. Hey sister, if you’re really hungry for the life God created you for, you won’t be able to sleep in day after day. Lazy days is an indication of a lack of hunger. If you’re really hungry to step into your full potential, you’ll step right out of your comfort zone and do whatever it takes.<br> The issue is a lack of hunger. Maybe you don’t really want it.<br> Now think about it … why wouldn’t you want the abundant goodness God has available specifically for your life? One of two reasons … One, you don’t believe it’s truly available to you. Or two, you’ve gorged yourself on the cheap imitations of a BIG life and you’re full. It’s like playing the video game of life versus really living life. Sometimes we settle for the video game because it’s “just enough” and we leave no room for real life.<br> Girl, are you hungry? Do you want it?<br> Matthew 5:6 says “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”<br> There’s a condition to being filled. What’s the condition? A hunger for it. A hunger is a WANT, a deep DESIRE. Who will be filled? Those who are HUNGRY. So here’s what you need to know today … if you don’t really WANT it, it’s really hard to GET it.<br> The question is, how bad do you want it? How hungry are you this morning?<br> God responds to your hunger.<br> Think of the crowd of thousands who had gathered to hear Jesus. They had sat for hours just trying to hear a single word. After being there so long, they grew faint from hunger. GOD SAW THEIR HUNGER AND RESPONDED. If they wouldn’t have been hungry, there would have been no need for God to fill.<br> You remember the miracle right? The only food in the crowd of thousands was the lunch of one boy. 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. And God said I CAN WORK WITH THAT. In our eyes, it would never be enough. In God’s hands, it was MORE THAN ENOUGH. Jesus broke the bread and the disciples began feeding the crowd. After everyone had ate all they could eat, Jesus instructed them to gather the leftovers. They filled 12 baskets full of leftover bread.<br> Impossible.<br> Aren’t you glad you are loved by the God of the impossible?<br> And aren’t you glad he sees your hunger and responds to it?<br> So here’s the deal, put this in bold in your journal … You acting like you don’t need anything is stopping God’s miracles in your life.<br> Hey, you don’t have it all together. You don’t have all the answers. Your plan, no matter how long it took you to formulate it, write it and laminate it, is NOT sufficient. You can settle for a little, unfulfilling comfortable life, but if you want to live up to your potential of a great big, beautiful, overflowing life … sister YOU NEED GOD.<br> Are you hungry for Him? Do you thirst for his presence in your life? Are you desperate for his guidance and provision? Are you willing to admit your need for him to fill your empty spaces?<br> When you are WEAK, THEN HE IS STRONG.<br> Say this with me this morning, I NEED YOU GOD. I AM HUNGRY FOR THE LIFE YOU CREATED ME FOR. I AM SEEKING YOU.<br> And God responds. He is moved by your hunger. This is where God works, right in the middle of your need. Right in the middle of your insufficiency. Right in the middle of your surrender. Right in the middle of your desperation.<br> Now, don’t be fooled and believe God’s response looks something like a lottery ticket. Your broken down car likely won’t be magically replaced by a 2019 Honda...