Prancercise Gal vs. The ‘That's True' Ladies  | 4/5/19

Pat Gray Unleashed show

Summary: Hour 1:  Jeffy Fisher from The Blaze Network’s “Chewing The Fat” podcast joins the show. The Democratic Presidential Debates will be a showcase for who can give away the most ‘free’ stuff. Big Pharma has Chuck Norris in their crosshairs. Beto compares the Trump administration to the Third Reich. Hour 2:   Biden gets a taste of his own medicine… sort of. More confusing names are jumping in for the Democratic 2020 ticket. Alex Jones on helium… the gift that keeps on giving.  Title:   Prancercise Gal vs. The ‘That's True' Ladies  | 4/5/19 Season: 2019 Episode: 68