Ep 13 - 28 Jan - 3 Feb - Mars square Pluto, Mercury Cazimi and Venus trine Uranus

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Join astrologers Alicia, Cass and Kelly as they discuss the astrology of the week ahead. Again it's a busy week in the sky! The Mars square Pluto this week is focusing on power and control issues and where adjustment may be needed. We also discuss the Mercury Cazimi on Wednesday and it’s potential for ideas and communication, as well as clarity and wisdom. Venus meets up with Uranus bringing excitement, sparks, and authenticity along with it. Finally, the first of three Saturn sextile Neptune meetings happens this week, which offers to ground any dreams that Saturn has been blocking before now. For those in Sydney, it’s the last chance to get your tickets for our WATER TRIO LIVE Sydney event, January 20 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/water-trio-live-the-astrology-of-2019-cycles-of-success-inspiration-tickets-53938733203 Have you got your 2019 WellBeing Astrology Guide? You can order your copy via: e version: https://www.zinio.com/au/wellbeing-astrology-m4890 hard copy: https://www.universalshop.com.au/wellbeing-astrology-bookazine-2019 If you enjoyed this episode, please hit the subscribe button so you’re notified when the next episode drops. To find out more about the Water Trio, check out our individual websites for info on astrology consults, classes and more. Alicia - www.futurefrequency.com.au/ Cassandra - www.cassandratyndall.com/ Kelly - www.kellysastrology.com/