Episode 58 – Mega Meeple Phoenix Fun!

Flip Florey's Super Saturday Board Game Serial | A podcast about the fun in BoardGames show

Summary: Hey there! This episode I bump into my pal Thomas Grogan from The Mega Meeple! We chat about his number one game (and one I have heard a lot of buzz about) Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn! Its a game with a CCG feel, without the commitment of getting into a CCG. And its got dice! Who doesn't love dice? <br><br><br>So, hop on in and check out the episode! <br>Next week, we will be getting a bit more into the new format, new ideas and LEANING INTO all things Saturday Morning! <br>Until then, head on over to the Mega Meeples place on the interwebs and check out what he is doing!<br><br> <a href="https://themegameeple.com/category/podcast/">https://themegameeple.com/category/podcast/</a> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p></p>