MFSA072: The Future In Detail

Music For Small Audiences show

Summary: Funny how the future keeps showing up. There are a handful of books I buy and shove into the hands of anyone who will take a copy. One of these is by Daniel Gilbert, and it is called Stumbling On Happiness. One of the key themes throughout the book is how we imperfectly perceive the future, and by extension how we imperfectly relate to our future selves. As Gilbert sees it, we tend to believe that who we are at the moment is the final destination of our becoming. As such, present day us sets goals for future us, without really understanding who future us will be. Working through this realisation may not be a blueprint for living, but it at least helps shine a light on how we see the future, and what we might best do in the present to balance the here and now with the coming soon. On a personal level, at least in terms of living arrangements the future has finally arrived, and looking at it in detail it is for the moment pretty alright. This is Episode 072 of Music For Small Audiences, and it was the first mix recorded in the living room of our new home in South Yarra.