CTS 070: Wi-Fi Troubleshooting with Debookee

Clear To Send: Wireless Network Engineering show

Summary: We welcome Thomas Baudelet from France. Together, we talk about network and Wi-Fi troubleshooting in general and we go over the Mac OS application called Debookee that Thomas created which could be use to troubleshoot a Wi-Fi network.<br> Thomas Baudelet works as an independent Network Engineer and specializes in troubleshooting. He has been involved in the Wireshark community and he created a network analyzer application for MacOS called Debookee. Feel free to follow him on Twitter <a href="http://www.twitter.com/debookee" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">@debookee</a>.<br> Content<br> <br> * Presentation of the Debookee tool, Thomas gave us a little bit of history on how he decided to create the tool<br> * Presentation of the different modules (including the Wi-Fi Monitoring module)<br> * Presentation of what is coming next (New SSL decrypt module)<br> * Thomas explains how he studied Wi-Fi in order to be able to create a tool that would be used by WLAN professionals<br> * Troubleshoot methodologies<br> * What tools does Thomas uses on the field<br> <br> Screenshots of Debokee<br>  <br> Resources<br> Here are some useful links related to this week episode:<br> <br> * Debookee website: <a href="https://debookee.com/">https://debookee.com/</a><br> * Debookee Tools: <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/debookee-tools/id1110355801">https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/debookee-tools/id1110355801</a><br> * Download and test Debookee: <a href="https://www.iwaxx.com/debookee/debookee.zip">https://www.iwaxx.com/debookee/debookee.zip</a><br> * Thomas on Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/debookee">https://twitter.com/debookee</a><br> * Thomas’ really cool Business Card: <a href="https://twitter.com/tomlabaude/status/838747925052260354">https://twitter.com/tomlabaude/status/838747925052260354</a><br> <br> Upcoming Episode on Wi-Fi Issue<br> Want to participiate in a future episode? Here is the link to the Wi-Fi issues submission form for one of our upcoming episode:<br> <a href="https://www.cleartosend.net/wi-fi-issue-submission/">Wi-Fi Issue Submission</a><br> <br> This Week in Wireless<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/wikileaks-says-it-has-obtained-trove-of-cia-hacking-tools/2017/03/07/c8c50c5c-0345-11e7-b1e9-a05d3c21f7cf_story.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">WikiLeaks says it has obtained trove of CIA hacking tools</a><br> <br> * WikiLeaks has gained access to CIA hacking arsenal.<br> * The document shows that the CIA turn devices into collection devices (iPhones, iPad, Smart TV…).<br> <br> <br> * <a href="http://www.wi-fi.org/news-events/newsroom/additional-unlicensed-spectrum-needed-to-deliver-future-wi-fi-connectivity" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Additional unlicensed spectrum needed to deliver future Wi-Fi® connectivity</a><br> <br> * The “Wi-Fi Alliance® commissioned the Wi-Fi Spectrum Needs Study to assess whether available spectrum resources will be sufficient to support Wi-Fi connectivity in the future. The study indicates that by 2020, Wi-Fi networks around the world will need access to significantly more mid-band spectrum than is currently available in the 5 GHz range to satisfy expected growth in Wi-Fi data traffic.”<br> * Download the study: <a href="http://www.wi-fi.org/file/wi-fi-spectrum-needs-study" rel="nofollow">http://www.wi-fi.org/file/wi-fi-spectrum-needs-study</a><br> <br> <br> * New CWNEs!!<br> <br> * Tom Van Driessche from Belgium is now CWNE #219<br> * Aren Gates, who I believe works for Aerohive, is now CWNE #220<br> <br> <br> * CWTS Discontinued (Certified Wireless Technology Specialist)<br> <br> * It has been announced by the CWNP this week, the CWTS will retire at the end of the year.<br> * This certification is a lifetime certification and you can still write the exam if you would like before the end of the year.