ATW2012 Eps10-Rich Decker fitnes guru , Lura Ketledge near death experience

Double Talk Radio show

Summary: Welcome to the water cooler. This week in preparation for setting our clocks ahead and anticipation of the warmer weather, we welcome Rich Decker. Rich has 23 years of fitness experience, he operates Studio 89 where he trains stars and former athletes like Keith Hernandez, Kelly Rippa, and Mathew Broderick just to name a few. He is the inventor of such things has the Pit and the Wedge. He believes in using resistance training has apposed to weights hear why. We discuss getting in shape for the summer, diets, when to eat, and what are the best beverages for exercising and heat. Then its Lura Ketlage, author, film maker, paranormal and near death experience survivor. We discuss near death experiences, ghosts and Luras perception of physics in general. Then we discover how Lura approached her writing a little differently then most by doing the screenplays first. Also her love for horses and her upcoming low budget film which is a zombie movie that she claims is a cross between Blazing Saddles and Dawn of the Dead. Monica Hamburg checks in with her Moron of the Week.