The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children

Heritage Events Podcast show

Summary: When it comes to treating young people who believe they are the opposite sex, who either suffer from gender dysphoria or self-identify as transgender, physicians have been instructed by their professional associations to provide "affirmative care." Transition-affirming therapies are virtually untested and inflict lasting harms: decreased sexual function, increased health risks, and sterility, just to name a few. Instead of providing parents with medical information and evidence-based studies, parents are told that these risky treatments will prevent their child from committing suicide, blurring the line between “informed consent” and “coercion.” It is essential that we start a conversation about these risky hormonal treatments and irreversible surgical interventions. Please join us for a panel discussion on the medical risks associated with these therapies, the ideology driving this scientific experiment, and the need for increased transparency in the medical community.