234: He who Elevates, Doctrinates - with Donny Dye

Conquer Local with George Leith show

Summary: Broken sales team? Sales team not meeting their quota? Sales culture not great? We have ALL of those answers. Donny Dye is the founder of Quota NYC. Quota NYC helps companies build sales systems that scale efficiently and can be managed through a simple quota. Donny gives us his inside scoop on what culture should look like and how it will motivate your sales team. He tells us why working from the bottom up in an organization gives you the strongest understanding. For an added bonus, Donny tells us the two things he would create if he had a magic wand and makes a great reference to the Will Ferrell movie, Ricky Bobby. Donny has over 15 years of Saas and enterprise sales experience by selling, leading, and guiding companies scale predictable revenue. If you are building a sales team or have broken a sales team, Quota NYC can help.