Peak Cringe Degeneracy - Boiler Room Madness - Jay Dyer + Primal Edge

Jay'sAnalysis show

Summary: #cringe #beto #comedy<br><br>The crew gathers to cover the latest craziness and nonsense. Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Uninterruptible Talk Radio - Thursdays on ACR<br><br>The Social Rejects Club (Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Tristan Haggard, Fvnk$oul, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh) meets at the round table for another dive into the media streams on the 219th episode of BOILER ROOM to discuss UK "Mom Pron,", some thoughts on why ISIS is rarely seen or heard of in the mass media cartel news cycles anymore and some live esoteric Hollywood analysis as Jay reflects on "The Dark Crystal". All this and more on this episode of BOILER ROOM, enjoy the show!