All the Local News You Should Read


Summary: Is reading the local news part of your morning ritual? What outlets do you watch and what papers do you read? L. Joy brings journalists <a class="ui-sortable-handle" href="">Azi Paybarah</a> and <a class="ui-sortable-handle" href="">Ben Max</a> to the front of the class to lead a conversation on the importance of local news and diversifying the news you consume.<br> <br> Show Guests<br> Azi Paybarah is a New York-based journalist who focuses on local politics. He worked as a reporter for the New York Press, the Queens Tribune and the New York Sun, the New York Observer, Capital, WNYC and now he writes the New York Today column for The New York Times.<br> <br> "If you think about news, it’s something you consume. What else do you consume? Food. There is a very big movement to eat locally, local food. If you think about news as something you consume it’s pretty healthy to consume local news."<br> Azi Paybarah<br> <br> Ben Max is the Executive Editor of Gotham Gazette, a New York City-based independent online watchdog publication that covers city and state government, elections, and a wide variety of policy issues. He began his career teaching high school students American Government and History.<br> <br> "People should recognize local news has everything....from what’s happening down the block to in-depth discussion of policy... Anything people are excited by following national news, local news has it , you just have to pay attention to it."<br> Ben Max<br> #TakeCivicAction<br> <br> * Read and share news stories about your local community.<br> * Read beyond what fits your values. Expand your knowledge and diversify the outlets you read.<br> * Meeting new people at a conference or need an ice breaker? Ask someone what news outlets they read regularly.<br> * Reward people who produce good content with your attention. Share their work on social media and/or subscribe.<br> * Find out what newspapers and/or blogs your elected officials read. If you want to get their attention on an issue submitting a letter to the editor, an editorial or getting a story placed in that outlet may help bolster your issue.<br>