The Mueller Media Hall of Shame

Reason Podcast show

Summary: "While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime," Robert Mueller's long-awaited homework stated, according to Atttorney General William Barr, "it also does not exonerate him." To which Donald Trump has predictably responded: "Total exoneration!" The president may stand out from the crowd in the amount of power he wields, but he's hardly alone in talking bollocks about the Trump/Russia investigation, as we discuss on today's Editors' Roundtable edition of the Reason Podcast. Nick Gillespie, Peter Suderman, Matt Welch, and special guest star Elizabeth Nolan Brown each make their own nominations for the Mueller media Hall of Shame, track how the #Resistance goalposts keep shifting, and ding the president's own (non-criminal) behavior. Along the way, we hear the latest in the non-sex-trafficking case of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, do a little oh-yeah-that about the record-breaking budget deficit, and dissect the C.H.U.D.ian subtexts of Us. Audio production by Ian Keyser. 'See You Soon' by Borrtex is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0