#1734 A marketing company designed for local businesses

Startup Stories - Mixergy show

Summary: Today’s guest is so non-technical that he had issues plugging in the mic we sent him. He discovered online marketing a few years back and gave it a shot but it didn’t work out. But instead of quitting he paid attention to what his customers were saying and adjusted his approach. Matt Buchanan is the co-founder of Service Direct, which offers online advertising, local lead generation and call tracking. <p><a href="https://mixergy.com/interviews/service-direct-with-matt-buchanan/"><img src="https://mixergy.com/interviews/service-direct-with-matt-buchanan/?get-twitter-card=true&amp;v=14&amp;time=1553667675" alt="" class="alignnone size-full"></a></p><p>Matt Buchanan is the co-founder of Service Direct, which offers online advertising, local lead generation and call tracking.</p> <strong>Sponsored by</strong><br><p><a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal</a> – If you’re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you’re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to <a href="http://www.toptal.com/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Toptal.com</a>. Get the best of the best right now.</p> <hr> <p><a href="https://www.scroll.studio/mixergy" rel="nofollow">Scroll</a> – There’s never been so many channels and tactics to get in front of your customers. However, customers aren’t paying attention anymore. Companies that can tell compelling narratives win because customers become a part of your story. Scroll Studio creates Longform Narratives by combining story, animated graphics, audio + video that spark action.</p> <p>More interviews -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/moreint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/moreint</a><br> Rate this interview -&gt; <a href="https://mixergy.com/rateint" target="_blank">https://mixergy.com/rateint</a></p>