Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/26/19

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, The new book Unfreedom of the Press, due out on May 21, delves into the urgent mission to save our republic and enhance our understanding of how the great tradition of the American free press has degenerated into a standard-less profession that has squandered the faith and trust of the American public, not through actions of government officials, but through its own abandonment of reportorial integrity and objective journalism. The book also addresses how abuses of government power, and attacks on our nation and our president have come under fire in our media. Then, Joe Scarborough, and MSNBC are happy to attack Fox News but they won't dare report the facts that the Russians attacked our electoral process under the Obama administration. Nor has the media shown much interest in the planes full of Russian troops that were sent to Venezuela. After, Eric Swalwell took to Fox News to reiterate that there was Russian collusion and that the bogus dossier wasn't so fake, despite Special Counsel Mueller's finding of no collusion. All the Democrats want is power, they have revealed themselves and their soviet tactics. Lastly, who is funding the movement to abolish the electoral college? While they claim to be non-partisan there is much support from liberal groups and donors, including members of the Soros Family foundation.