#AskAchieve 46: Supplements for Joint Pain Management, Heart Rate Variability, and Conflicting Information on How Often to Workout!

Sweat Out; Happiness In! show

Summary: What's up, Achievers?! Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all you Moms and Moms-to-be! We cover a wide variety of information in this one! In the first question, we delve into what supplements we recommend for joint pain management, and if glucosamine is a worthwile supplement to take (2:43). We also cover what HRV (heart rate variability) is and whether or not we think tracking it is beneficial (6:46). Lastly, we discuss why there is SO MUCH conflicting information out there regarding strength training programs. Body part splits? Total body workouts? 3x a week? 5-6x a week? We discuss all of the benefits of these workout regimens and when to utilize each one (13:04)! We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we'd love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you'd like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!