Get ready for Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 | Azure Friday

Channel 9 show

Summary: Global Azure Bootcamp is a free, one-day, local event that takes place globally. It's an annual event run by the Azure community. This year, Global Azure Bootcamp is on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Starting with events in New Zealand and ending in Hawaii, chances are you can find a location near you. If not, you can also organize a location and receive sponsorship and even free lunch. However, new locations must register new events by Friday, March 29, 2019. Any education location can join and will get sponsorship, Azure passes, Azure for Students, lunch, and a set of content to use for the day. Follow #GlobalAzure on social media to connect with the global Azure community. Global Azure BootcampGlobal Azure Bootcamp: Find a LocationGlobal Azure Science Lab 2019: Let's go discover a planet!Global Azure Bootcamp for Students and EducatorsCreate a free account (Azure)Follow members of the Global Azure Bootcamp Admin Team: Follow @martinabbott Follow @wesleycabus Follow @iamalexmangFollow @noopman Follow @davidjrh Follow @fincooperFollow @alansmith Follow @mikewo Follow @globalazure