Deal or No Deal, Time’s Running Out for Brexit

Money Talking show

Summary: <p>It’s been nearly three years since a majority of people in the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. One of the arguments made by many Brexit supporters was to “take back control.” Lately, however, the opposite has been true as the process spirals out of control. </p> <p>Britain was on track to leave the E.U. one week from today, but a last minute reprieve has given British Prime Minister Theresa May a new deadline of April 12, to come up with deal.</p> <p>No matter when or exactly how Brexit occurs, analysts expect there will be financial and economic consequences for the country. Already, the uncertainty has hurt businesses and overall economic growth. </p> <p>This week on Money Talking, WNYC's Charlie Herman speaks with <a href="" target="_blank">Eshe Nelson</a>, economics and markets reporter at <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Quartz</em> </a>about the effects of Brexit on that nation's economy and its people. </p>