The Spectator Podcast: is Brexit a national humiliation?

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Summary: It has been yet another crazy week in the Brexit saga, with May and the EU negotiating an extension. And with a possible third meaningful vote in the horizon, what happens now? And who is to blame for the uncertainty - May, or parliament? (00:47) Plus, with the majority of doctors in the NHS now coming from abroad, why are we not training enough doctors in the UK? (16:00) And last, we take a look inside of the world of The Archers’ superfans. (33:00)  With Katy Balls, James Forsyth, Sam Gyimah, Saffron Cordery, J. Meirion Thomas and Nicola Headlam.  Presented by Lara Prendergast.  Produced by Cindy Yu and Siva Thangarajah.