Black Women Are Power Rising


Summary: Organized for Black women by Black women, the Power Rising Summit is a safe space for Black women to develop strategic, actionable ways to build and maximize their economic and political power. L. Joy took the trip to New Orleans to teach civics and interview some of the participants.<br> Show Guests<br> Rev. Leah Daughtry on creating Power Rising:<br> <br> “If I could wave my magic wand, I would convene Black Women. All kinds of Black Women, to come together and let’s talk about the issues that concern us and what we want to do. What we want to do with this political power, this social power, this economic power that we have.”<br> <br> Jessica Pickney Vice President of Government Affairs at In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice Agenda: <br> <br> “We are really trying to frame voting rights and voting issues as reproductive justice issues. Bodily autonomy, and having the right to make choices about when and if to parent and how to parent in a safe environment free from harm of all kind often starts at the voting polls”<br> <br> Hon. Lea Webb Past 4th District City Council Representative for the City of Binghamton on why she ran for office: <br> <br> “I just kept seeing that more and more that leadership, and it wasn’t just the person I ran against, the leadership at that time at all levels really was not focused on issues that were impacting my community”<br> <br> Feminista Jones: Activist, Author on why she wrote “Reclaiming Our Space:<br> <br> “My contribution to the feminist cannon...What I wanted to do was point out the fact that a lot of what is happening now has been started by Black feminists and led by Black feminists...I wanted to write a book that captures the ways in which Black Feminist Women are shaping culture, influencing politics, moving progress along and how we often don’t get credit for it”