John Lanchester and Michael Lewis in Conversation

Commonwealth Club of California Podcast show

Summary: This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation. Even with just a two-word title, John Lanchester’s newest novel, The Wall, evokes the political divisiveness our time. In this dystopian future, current political issues are taken to their logical extremes: issues of mass immigration (and populist reactions against it) are cast as symptoms of the ultimate problem of climate change. Lanchester’s ability to merge reality with metaphor make the novel a poignant wake-up call in the context of global politics, which are often too shortsighted. Join us with moderator Michael Lewis, best-selling author of Moneyball and The Big Short, for a witty back-and-forth between two authors who both have a knack for understanding some of the largest political issues of our time—and more importantly, know how to communicate them in an effective and engaging way. **This Program Contains Explicit Language**