A walk with Jody Drange

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: <p>Join me and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/jodydrange/">Jody Drange</a> in a conversation about the chaos of her current season. She’s a working mom of two littles and volunteers on leadership at her church’s MOPs group. </p> <p>She shares about how this season has been incredible to see God show up in the details of everyday living and how His timing is perfect. She has a peace despite the chaos, has been growing her in faith. </p> <p>Jody shares her own tips of simplifying, as she she prepares for a big move. She also shares more about how she simplified her social calendar but how impactful it is to her mental health too. </p> <p style="text-align: left;">Jody tells about how hard it is for her to ask for help, and then being OK to receive the help, yet it has been necessary in this season. </p> <p>Her community is also a huge part of her life, and she gives advice how it could look like in your own life, regardless of your season. She encourages listeners to welcome in the new people as they start to show up.</p> <p>Also, you will love her mom hack at the end – one from <a href="https://www.emilyley.com/pages/a-simplified-life">Emily Ley’s book Simplified Life. </a></p>