A walk with Ali Pritchett

Thoughts on a Walk by 3Milemom show

Summary: <p> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/ali_pritchett/">Ali Prichett</a> and I had an incredible conversation, where Ali is honest and real and shares her wisdom of what she’s learning about herself and her family this season. </p> <p>Listen up and grab a pen because what she shares is worth taking notes! She talks about people pleasing, crazy schedules, making back up plans and serving the community around her – even when she’s busy. </p> <p>Ali’s shared before with the 3MileMom Commununnity in a blog post about <a href="https://3milemom.com/thriving-in-the-midst-of-surviving-guest-blogger-alison-pritchett/">Thriving in the Midst of Surviving motherhood.</a> </p> <p>You might want to take notes while Ali digs into how she’s transformed the way she reads her bible and made it one of her favorite spiritual practice. Her tips she shares are something that anyone can achieve and an easy way to get started or to keep reading. <a href="http://www.alipritchett.com/blog/2018/12/26/reading-the-bible-for-beginners-amp-my-faith-journey-in-2018">Find the links to more resources on her blog. </a></p> <p>Ali’s mom hack is genius and something I’ve already started to implement in my own family! Hope you enjoy! </p> <p>If you haven’t already, sign up for the<a href="https://3milemom.com/3milemom-challenge/"> 3MileMom Challenge! </a></p>