Behind the scenes: The making of Fastnacht Day

The Morning Call Podcast show

Summary: When it comes to fastnachts, you either clamor over or have never heard of them. In Pennsylvania, the likelihood of having the former reaction is significantly higher. That’s because the Pennsylvania Dutch long ago coined Fastnacht Day -- very similar in concept to Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. Turns out, no matter where you are geographically, we all look forward to an excuse to indulge on this particular day. On this week's podcast, a history, and an obscenely large fastnacht-baking operation. Special guests include Thomas Gerhart, president of the Pennsylvania German Society, and Linda Gorr, president of the Ladies Auxiliary at Goodwill Fire Company in Trexlertown. The Morning Call Podcast is a production of The Morning Call in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Kayla Dwyer is the host and producer.