Proven Guilty- Chapters 29, 30, 31 & 32

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Artist credit! <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>You all know that I had to punish RoShawn somehow for messing up my whole plan last week, and I decided that the best way to do this was to make her stop reading right before a big reveal, just before the end of chapter 31. It was terribly painful for her, and I'm feeling pretty satisfied about it. <br>This episode, I live-read chapter 32 to RoShawn so that she can share her reactions in real time and we can chat about the implications of it afterward. Charity tells Harry the truth about her own history with practicing magic and the true reason for her split with Molly; turns out, she wanted Molly to give up her magic, and Molly had no intention of doing it. And the fact that neither of them reached out for help means that Molly has been practicing without a guide, and did some magic that really hurt her friends. Even though she was trying to help. <br>Thanks so much for listening, everyone! I hope you enjoy the episode, and we will see you next week with 3 more chapters!