Special Episode: Sandra Teitge & Albrecht Pischel - Goethe In the Skyways

Hier & There. The podcast of the Germanic-American Institute (GAI Podcast) show

Summary: <p>Intro and quick updates: 0 - 2m</p> <p>Conversation: 2 - 45m</p> <p>In this special episode, we welcome Sandra Teitge, Director of Goethe In the Skyways (https://goetheintheskyways.org/) and artist Albrecht Pischel (https://goetheintheskyways.org/projects/albrecht-pischel/ &amp; http://www.albrechtpischel.info/).</p> <p>We started with a chat about contemporary collaborative art,  but quickly turned to the considerations of cultural norms and metaphorical applications, coming full-circle, back to art. A fascinating conversation that challenges the status quo, social perspectives, and...roundabouts. </p> <p>###</p> <p>If you have any feedback or questions for us, or would like to suggest a guest, perhaps you'd like to come on the podcast yourself, please contact us at language@gai-mn.org </p> <p><br></p>