How Childhood Emotional Neglect May be Adversely Affecting Your Relationships

Save Your Sanity - Help for Toxic Relationships show

Summary: <p><strong>UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND NEGLECT ON YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT.</strong></p><p>If it happened to you, it can affect all areas of your life and relationships.</p><br><p><strong>THE GOOD NEWS: You can heal and we'll talk about this later in the episode with my guest.</strong></p><p><strong>DR. JONICE WEBB, Author of the first book written on Childhood Emotional Neglect ( CEN )</strong></p><br><p>First, though, I invite you to answer this question:</p><br><p><strong>"Do you recognize what emotional abuse of children is? It's much more than you might think."</strong></p><br><p>Abuse is any behavior that is <strong>designed to control or dominate</strong> another person. Whether that is through fear, humiliation, intimidation, isolation, guilt, blaming, manipulation or denial. Therefore, emotional abuse is simply any abuse that is emotional rather than physical.</p><br><p>It can include belittling, discounting, manipulating the emotions of another and constant criticism. It can be less obvious than that, such as <strong>continuous disapproval</strong>, or the refusal to ever be pleased by another in any way.</p><br><p>It can be engaging children in age-inappropriate behavior, or engaging in age-inappropriate confidences. When a parent tries to engage a child to take his/her side against the other parent, this is <strong>emotional abuse</strong>.</p><br><p><strong>Emotional abuse of children</strong> is often more subtle than the <strong>systematic wearing away of their self-esteem</strong> and self-confidence. Emotional abuse cuts to the core of their being, creating scars, impressions and perceptions that are far deeper and longer-lasting than physical ones. An attempt to distort or undermine a child’s perception of the world is emotional abuse.  </p><br><p>In today's episode, I've given a very clear example of a situation that might not sound abusive on first hearing, but, once you've listened to this, you'll see things differently!</p><br><p><strong>GUEST: Dr. Jonice Webb, author of the first books ever on Childhood Emotional Neglect</strong></p><br><p><strong>Jonice Webb, PhD</strong>, is a licensed psychologist, speaker, blogger, and best-selling author. Dr. Webb wrote the first book ever written about <strong>Childhood Emotional Neglect</strong>, and is recognized worldwide as the pioneer of Childhood Emotional Neglect, CEN .</p><br><p>Dr. Webb is dedicated to bringing awareness of the <strong>power of Childhood Emotional Neglect</strong> to people everywhere. She is the author of <strong>Running On Empty</strong>: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect, and <strong>Running On Empty No More</strong>: Transform Your Relationships.</p><br><p>Were you ever <strong>shamed for having emotions</strong> in your early life? That's a prime example of a type of Childhood Emotional Neglect. You may never have thought about it in those terms, and today's episode will bring much more than this to light for you.</p><br><p><br></p><p><strong>HIGHLIGHTS OF TODAY'S EPISODE:</strong></p><p><br></p><ul> <li>Wondering why you may <strong>downplay your own needs</strong> and not ask for much?</li> <li>If you've experienced <strong>Childhood Emotional Neglect</strong>, how do you become more confident?</li> <li>Why you may still be <strong>tamping down your anger</strong>?</li> <li>What is the connection between Childhood Emotional Neglect, and troubles in relationships?</li> <li>How can a person who has experienced CEN begin to get in greater touch with their emotions?</li> <li>What are the likely impact of CEN in an adult's life?</li> </ul><p><br></p><br><p>I hope this help you see that more clearly. If you need help with this, I'm here for you.</p><br><p><strong>Let's talk soon. I can help</strong>. <a href="" target="_blank">Schedule an initial hour consultation HERE</a> for only $97.</p><br><p>I hope this empowers you to make positive changes NOW.</p><br><p>Talk soon.</p><p>Rhoberta</p><br><p><strong>Rhoberta Shaler, PhD,</strong></p><p><strong>The Relationship Help Doctor</strong></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><br><p>P.S. Subscribe to my <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>newsletter, Tips for Relationships, HERE.</strong></a></p><br><p><strong>WANT THE PRIVACY AND SAFETY OF MY SUPPORT GROUPS AWAY FROM FACEBOOK?</strong></p><p><strong>You can have that, and:</strong></p><ul> <li>access to my <strong>Optimize Circles</strong> </li> <li>my <strong>21 Steps to Empowered Emotional Savvy</strong> program</li> <li>monthly "Ask Me Anything" calls</li> <li>at least monthly insightful webinar</li> </ul><p><strong>You can get most of this right now for the price of one latte a month!</strong></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p><br><p><strong>CONNECT WITH DR. 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